Anete Faulds EFT

Emotional Freedom Technique in Airdrie and Online

Emotional Freedom Technique

in Airdrie and Online


A stressed woman holding her head, symbolizing emotional challenges that EFT can help address.
Recognizing Key Signs of Stress in Your Everyday Life
Stress. A word we hear constantly. We’re stressed about our jobs, kids, spouses, money, health, and the world around us—we can attach the word stress to almost anything. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s no surprise that stress has become something of a silent companion for many of us. It’s sneaky, creeping up without much notice, […]

Discover Inner Peace

Your Free Stress-Relief Audio

Ready to start your journey to a calmer and more peaceful you? I have specifically created these affirmations to target stress relief and help you achieve inner calm and peace.